Reflections for the
Scattered Church

We gather in our local churches every Sunday morning to worship the Lord together, and then we are sent back out into the world on Monday morning to image Him in our homes and places of work — to be Christ’s ambassadors, loving and serving our neighbor in and through our everyday work.

We offer the following as reflections and encouragement to the scattered Church of Jesus Christ…

Malissa Mackey Malissa Mackey Malissa Mackey Malissa Mackey

3 Fears When Talking About Our Faith at Work (and How to Overcome Them)

What’s the universal question co-workers across the country ask every Monday morning? If it’s not some form of “what did you do this weekend?” then it’s probably related to the weather or who is going to make the coffee run! Out of habit or actual curiosity, your weekend plans were likely the source of inquiry at some point this past Monday morning. How often do you respond with something related to your Sunday morning worship attendance or some other church-related activity? It’s usually easier and less awkward to skip over that part of our weekend, even if those activities actually took up the majority of your time. Why is that?

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